Water filter systems come with the manufacturer’s recommendations for changing the filters or UV bulbs, usually every six to twelve months, depending on the model. That Water Place will change yours—in your home, place of business, RV or boat—and then do a water test on it. (to make sure you are getting the cleanest, purest water possible)
The filter and UV bulb are necessary to remove the various chemicals, minerals and microbes that may be contaminating your water supply. As they begin to wear out, you may notice changes in the taste and odor of the water coming from your drinking dispensers, or in your iced tea, iced coffee and homemade carbonated beverages. If you are away for long periods of time or using less water for other reasons, it doesn’t mean your filters do not need to be changed. In fact, reduced usage may actually be worse for your system. Worried about replacing your water filter? Let us do it for you.
Send us a picture of your filter configuration
... and we will choose the best replacement for your system, of the top brands we carry, such as Everpure, 3M, Watts, Dow, Whirlpool, GE, Hydrotech, Microline, Omnifilter, Omnipure, and Pentek.772-486-4751 or mike@apbico.com
You may want to go to THAT WATER PLACE for Installation of Pumps and Pressure Tanks. Service on all brands of water treatment to rentals, sales and salt delivery.For better water and a better working water softener go to RESIN RESCUE Water Softener Cleaning.